Thursday, 7 March 2013

EMPIRE OF DREAMS – Saturday 9th – Thursday 14th March 2013 in Belfast!

I am happy to announce that EMPIRE OF DREAMS starts in Belfast on Saturday!

You can experience the project in the following public spaces around the city:-

1. Black Box, 18-22 Hill Street:
Saturday, Wednesday, Thursday - 12 - 6 pm (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday - closed)
2. 42 Waring Street (outside Craft NI):
Monday - Thursday - 11am - 4 pm (Saturday and Sunday closed)
3. The Bookstore, 21 North Street:
Saturday - Thursday, (except Sunday) 12 - 4.30 pm
4. Oxfam, 8 Castle Street:
Saturday - Thursday, (except Sunday) 11- 5 pm

This work was created during my two month residency at Flax Art Studios in Belfast.

Parfumeur: Piotr Kempski
Voice: Aisling O'Beirn
